Fluid Slide

Learn how to build a better PowerPoint presentation.

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Whether you are just entering the workforce or have been immersed in it for several years, companies expect their employees are able to develop effective presentations. This means a presentation that tells a story, provides relevant content and detail, engages the audience, and looks beautiful. As daunting as that sounds, I am here to tell you that it can absolutely be done, and I am going to show you how. I am going to provide you with a simple, easy-to-follow process, and some tips and tricks, that you can use to build a better presentation.

what you will learn

I believe that building a good PowerPoint presentation is so much more than just the tool you use.  I will certainly teach you the tools, but more importantly, I will teach you how to tell a story with your content, I will distill down a number of content structuring and storyboarding approaches, like the MINTO principle, into simple and actionable steps, and provide you tips on how to design your slides to make them easy to follow and engage the audience.


I will teach you a simple process to develop horizontal (slide to slide) and vertical (top to bottom) flow within a presentation. This flow will guide the audience through your story.


You don't have to be a designer to develop a presentation. I will teach you slide design techniques so that your audience enjoys looking at your slides, but doesn't take away from you.


I view tools as an enabler rather than a crutch, and I will teach you how to use it to make things easier and quicker. I will provide you with shortcuts to help speed up your presentation development.

Why Me

I have been a Management Consultant for over 10 years, and as you can imagine, know a thing or two about developing presentations. I have spent countless hours entrenched in my slides. I have delivered and seen really good and really awful presentations, and I know the attributes of each. I have worked with a number of my colleagues, clients, technologists and strategists on their presentations, and want to share those lessons with you. I will to take you from a novice to a presentation ninja.

Sign up for my FREE EMAIL COURSE and I will teach you how to develop PowerPoint presentations that look beautiful, tell a story, provide the the right level of information, and are developed quickly. I will walk you through techniques, tips and tricks to help you develop presentations that DONT SUCK.